Samstag, 10. Januar 2009


A personality - in this world existing in many phases of reality - has many choices to make, when it comes to an introduction of personal scope, subjectivity and spectrum.

The fast eye usually is a fast mind. How to track down (back) the manifold positioning processes in ourselves and the fellows, when we so very slowly develop an own position?

The feeling that we are unique is easy to defend, by simply not allowing communication - only very directly. When communication begins, usually, a coordinatedly fallen type of mind preset - this as a result of the history of our planet, in coordination with actuality of personality potentials - communicates to a likewise situated brother personality. In watching our fellows (so as ourselves) here, organizing a stairway towards the more social or collective approach towards higher meanings and values, we experience the very basic tension - a tension that has been called "the primal relationship" in the Urantia Book. This relationship is described between deified and undeified realities, or between the Deity Absolute and the Unqualified Absolute. Is it not fascinating to perform the inner calculation of "what a philophy is", when having to face reality? Only processes that can be validated experientially do lead to our collective blueprint availability in brotherhood experience. I believe I can even understand why exactly the exercise of faith is the basic limit for experientially validating the shift from philosophy to experientially revelative tendencies.

These writings, that are largely influenced by the revelation of the Urantia Book, reflect my own development of spirit and life, while I try to be a positively willed coordinate personality to the developing soul, mind and spirit happenings of this present world.

To be what I am not, in the minds of many of my fellows, since they cannot have a pattern for me, is obviously a necessity: images that are close to reality are always fluidly present, and do not deserve the so-seeming fixedness of some memory portions of a mind (hereby I have carefully requested to be seen as I can be seen now).

These words I speak to virtually find images - mind contents - of Deity equivalents in mortals who peruse this world as a spiritual one, in those described or seen higher meanings. It is an experience-field, a study zone and a school of self-reflection - much more to myself than probably to any reader.

As I find myself largely unshared by my mortal brothers and sisters, since the expression of sentences as this alone may create serious brow-raising, a diary - a blog - looks like an appropriately rooted mechanism to anchor self-reflection, deal with specific spiritual content, as well as just being socially bookmarking or just surf-logging my very ordinary interests.

Since the personality-development beyond the daily influences of the so present echoes, having originated from the rebellion ... had to be happening in the more non-talking levels of social sharing, it might be interesting in what way such a blog can be interassociative in many personal and social potentialities.

The word absonite does refer to those events where realities of time and space - experientially, rather than philosophically - transcend to a less finite and more eternal life-discernment.

Well, practically, I am a very simple guy that just wants to talk and searches for some limits in his conditions, I want to share and evolve - but the "limitation" of being in sweetly intimate contact with the quality of true revelation makes a friendship rather potential than actual in many phases of my otherwise very human life. It is fascinating how a revelation can uplift a person of faith, but not supply with fellow believers in adequate sharing depth. I believe that when I share my personal thoughts, happinesses and musings likewise (as my concept of revelation-equivalents), I can be a true mirror either for potential fellows or for those at my side of the game. For others I might in the best case be a study object of missing common sense, haha, or, a person that is in need of true love - which I certainly am.

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