Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009

More than a diary

There are phases and modus, moods and organizing temperaments within an evolving mind-spirit-complex that are altogether difficult to symbolize. Where does my focus have its rest, when I speak so?

The quietness and undisturbedness of an old hayfilled barn, sleeping in warmth, looking at the stars, offering ones scars, only subconsciously, to nature, while the conscious is in its business of enjoying: quietness, undisturbedness.

The diary, it seems to come from the word day, and yes: dies- the day; diarius - daily. Without such an introduction, could I have thought that a diary is more than writing occasionally?

From another perspective, the diary offers and opens up manifold possibilities to communicate and be coordinated "with the one that lives within". Not only the perspectives of the inner child, the Son of God, the self in progess ... are put into potentialities here - positionings and perspectives, even more instantly than in a novel or sometimes a short story, can be sketched to feel them on life's paper, as if they would not already move out loud. In my need to express it with one further approach, let me say "The diary can make true, what otherwise would only beginningly be sensed in the writers perception", and more precise: "Who develops alone - among others - may need the guidement of his inner voice, as of prayer -lived out actively in diary-resembling ways of expression."

Since us humans, we may all be busy in more or less trying to find equal approaches to a calm, fulfilled moments, we can be in such a rush that we hardly share moments of equivalent contents. With whom to share, if not with those that are closest to us? How realistic is the wish for those that may understand us from far away? A perfect divinity tension: on the one side our family with its own dynamics; on the other side the equivalent of the Epilogue of the Workbook for Students from the Course in Miracles:

"You do not walk alone. God's angels hover near and all about. His Love surrounds you, and of this be sure; that I will never leave you comfortless."

With the Angels, at least, we can potentially or more or less experientially share such understanding, as I may learn in gratefulness. Such a hard projection of expecting is there, in the attempt to be coordinated with our fellow humans! Another perfect divinity tension?

So, "listening to the inner voice", holding dialog with oneself, allowing the "conjoint actor", as far as i can understand it, to bridge the information flow between Father ans Son, receiving the "Thought Adjuster", also called "Mystery Monitor" - these are, as in prayer, factual processes happening around the word-center of a "diary".

But how daily is their happening experientially? Is it even possible, to be gentle in that force that we might attempt to use in trying to impose insight onto the yet fearful little learner? Is there not the eventuality to let him have expansion into the insightful surrounding he is embedded into? So, love would not be artificial,l hypothetic or esoteric, not would it be scientifically termed: it could even be expressed and self-expressing.

Its tongue is moving in the zone of diary-rersemblances much sexier than in an ad-banner world, and much more personalized than media delusions, even more real than in personal illusions. Yes: The No to this would be the only No.

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