Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009

Götz Aly

Gerade entdeckt... ein Mensch mit einer interessanten Geschichte und gerngesehener Bildung.ötz_Aly

Spirituality on the tray

The Course says:
Do not forget how little you have learned.
Do not forget how much you can learn now.
Do not forget your Father's need of you,
As you review these thoughts He gave to you.
Where is my being, when just a few sentences can re-establish my position in the Heavens? I should reflect myself very very very openly. This is my true position. Only here I can find true sharing.

And while this emotional - fulfilled peace - pattern connects me to its kind of service, I review the Keys of Enoch and receive of the patterns of Language used to truly transmit higher insight. Here, intellectual capacity, mindal potential, and intelligent cleverness meet spiritual content, insight of goodness, presence of the most high truth.

So, it is not fully true when "thinking makes unhappy", because thinking is finally resoluted in spirit - in happyness to the insight of true truth. And truth which, in here, and now, can be self-recognized as such true truth. And, again, so, truth that shines independently in the circles of those that are yet to be self-integrative likewisely into such multi-spectrum-circles which already, sort of, contain them.

"In den aufeinander folgenden Stadien festgegründeter Existenz machen die bewohnten Welten wunderbare Fortschritte unter der weisen und einfühlsamen Verwaltung des Freiwilligenkorps der Finalität, jener Aufsteiger, die das Paradies erreicht haben und zurückgekommen sind, um ihren irdischen Brüdern beizustehen."

  1. A Course in Miracles, Part I, Review III, p. 203
  2. The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch, J.J. Hurtak, Key 3-1-2, p. 453
  3. The Urantia Book, Paper 55, The spheres of Light and Life, p. 626
So, I understand, that I am a medium - an in-between - of input and output. I take in spiritual material (from where? where is it truly spiritual?) and put it out as a "reflected" version. As a version of myself after taking in, to "work with" the "food".

When I closely watch this process, there's much of "applying" and / or "additional input" (Where is it truly spiritual?) which I want to and should process. The spiritual should open and close my day.

"Nach der Auferstehung, welche allgemein seyn wird, folgt das allgemeine göttliche Gericht, welches einem jeden vergelten wird nach seinen heimlichen Gedanken und Neigungen." (Röm. 2,16; Matth. 6,4. Zitiert in Basedow, Methodischer Untericht, Drittes Hauptstück, S. 72)

Nicht so sehr "Vergeltung" ist das Präsente des Vaters, viel eher das Bewußtsein über "die heimlichen Gedanken und Neigungen", in welchen er mit seinem Sohne - dem Gottessohne im Menschen - umgeht. Hier, wo wir wir selbst sind, sind wir Gott nah. Vielleicht bedeutet "das Gericht" einfach auch, wie sehr wir uns davor wehren, uns selbst nahe zu sein. Mit uns selbst werden wir letztendlich ins Gericht gehen müssen. Sind wir unseren heimlichen Gedanken, Wünschen und Vorstellungen, oder: Den wahren Impulsen in uns ... - gefolgt?

Eastern perspectives (pour les autres)

El arte - mi amigo.

Like a shovel throws
to all sides
pure earth

That resembles
like people
only people

I fight
the sweetest fight
of exploration

I orient
the west

To find

The heart

You and Me
North and South

L'art, mon ami.

Pour toi dans les autres enfants
Pour les autres


The doorway
The hallway
The freeway
The fallway

I did it my way
It was a sigh way
Align, folks and people
Leading us astray

My breath
breathed in...

The doorway
The hallway

Out and no ashtray
No fire that burns the lungs
But one - that enlightens
The lonely.

The others and me

Oh, ye others...

... my door is not in its hinges anymore
... my roots are ready for having drunk your blood
... my giving is ready for your stream to enter my house
... and how do you want to stream?

Oh, ye others...

... your way is kissed and so appreciated by me, and the others
... your choices are respected within their always larger scheme
... your love is re-loved in its sweet inexperience, which is growing experience

Oh, ye others...

Stream through me
Your eyes cannot touch me
They can only see
Inside the stream

(But I remain.)

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